Tuesday, January 25, 2011

While we might want to stay on the mountain with Jesus in all of his glory, life and ministry are to be lived down from the mountain among the needs of a desperate world crying out for help and hope.

Jesus took Peter, John and James up onto a mountain to pray. … The next day, when they came down from the mountain, a large crowd met them.
- Luke 9:28, 37

Sometimes it takes a blast of supernatural power to bring us back to where we should have been all along – hearts devoted to the Lord, crying out “the Lord – he is God!”

Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of God. He will teach us his ways so that we may walk in his paths, and so that the word of the Lord will go forth to the peoples.
- Micah 4:2

How quickly we can move from spiritual highs to spiritual lows. We seek the big, the large impressive sign while often it is listening to the little, the whisper of God where we find direction and reassurance.

The Lord said, “Go out and stand on the mountain in the presence of the Lord, for the Lord is about to pass by.”
- 1 Kings 19:11

Jesus announces, instructs and inaugurates the Kingdom of God. As we live under the rule and reign of God we co-operate with him in bringing heaven to earth.

How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, “Your God reigns!”
- Isaiah 52:7

mountainTOP part #8 - conclusion
Worship Wars on the Mount: Samaritans & Jews (Mt. Gerizim/Mt. Zion)

John 4

Key verses: 21,23
“a time is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem … true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth”

• Jesus risked his reputation by …. 1. Going through Samaria 2. Talking to a woman 3. Discussing the controversial subject of worship 4. Identifying himself as The Messiah
• The heart of God is not for worship exclusivity but for welcoming inclusivity
• Worship is not about place and posture but about spirit and sincerity

mountainTOP part #7 New Beginnings on The Mount: Noah’s Ark on Mt. Ararat
Rev. D. Johns Genesis 8:1-22, 9:8-17 February 27, 2011

A Flood of Judgment, A Flood of Grace,

The significance of … ‘40 Days’ … ‘God remembers’

The concept of “rest” is present in this story in multiple ways

What is the ‘good news’ when the flood finally is over?

How good are we at searching for hope, seizing the symbols of hope?

Noah & the Flood in the New Testament:
• Like Baptism (1 Peter 3:18-22)
• God knows how to rescue the righteous while carrying out judgment (2 Peter 2:4-10)
• Noah – a man of faith (Hebrews 11:7)
• The 2nd coming of Christ will be like the times preceding the flood: ‘business as usual’ (Matthew 24:36-39, Luke 17:27)

part #6 Sunday Feb 20 2011
SACRIFICE ON THE MOUNT: Abraham on Mt. Moriah

Genesis 22:1-19
Hebrews 11:17-19
James 2:20-24

Themes to Explore:
* Covenant Renewal
* Biblical 'Typology'
* God's Provision

Tough Questions:
* God tests us?
* human sacrifice?
* how do we handle the 'rollercoasters' of life?
* Why would God want us to give up his blessings?

What really bothers me about his story is .....
* how could God put Abraham & Isaac through such an ordeal?
* how could Abraham be willing to go through with this plan?

Rev. D. Johns
Feb 13 2011
part #5 – Commands on the Mount:
Moses on Mt. Sinai

Exodus 19, 20
Chapter 19 = about place, sacredness, intentionality
Chapter 20 = about the picture of godly living

Preparing to Meet With God: Life at “Base Camp” (19:2)
• A place of promises – by God (19:3-7,9); by the people (19:8)
• A place of preparation – (19:10-15)

God Shows up with Glorious Dramatic Special Effects
(19:9, 16-19) … dense cloud, thunder, lightning, trumpet blast, smoke, earth tremors

Why Such a Meeting?
(19:9a, 20:22) to hear God
(19:9b) to strengthen leadership
(20:20,21,23) to promote reverence and obedience

Q. Why is it necessary to prepare to meet God?(Amos 4:12;Matthew 3:1-3)
Q. What is the role of The 10 Commandments in today’s world?

•When meeting with God, find a place where God can show up, a place where God can speak
Charles Swindol = not so much a ‘quiet time’ but a place of ‘devotional strengthening’ …. I would add, a place of ‘spiritual stimulation’

Part 4 of the series mountain TOP
Feb 06 2011Rev. Doug Johns

Sermon on the Mount Matthew 5-7
Jesus in the Galilean Hill Country

Some of today’s teaching is from a sermon of Lyman Beecher (1775-1863) titled: The Government of God Desirable, based on the text of Matthew 6:10 “Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven

Born in New Haven, Connecticut, Lyman Beecher graduated from Yale and in 1798 took charge of the Presbyterian Church at Easthampton, Long Island, NY. In 1810 he became the pastor of the Congregational Church at Litchfield, Conn., and in 1826, the Hanover Street Congregational Church in Boston. His reputation grew as one of the foremost pulpit orators in America. His public utterances, whether platform or pulpit, were carefully elaborated, delivered extemporaneously, sparkled with wit, were convincing by logic, and included shrewd common sense.

It is greatly to be desired that God should govern the world because …
• His own infinite blessedness, as well as the happiness of his kingdom depends on his working all things according to his own counsel
• His pleasure and purpose is always good
• He, and only he, is able to execute his own purposes
• He, and only He, knows perfectly in what manner his creation should be managed
- Lyman Beecher

• Do you think Kingdom People are admired as role models in our society?
• The attitude and actions of Kingdom People are counter-cultural
• Attitude determines Altitude for Kingdom People

When we look around below, a melancholy sensation pervades the mind. What miserable creatures! What a wretched world! But when, from this scene of darkness and misery, we look up to the throne of God, and behold him high, high above the miseries of sin, dwelling in light inaccessible and full of glory, the prospect brightens. Those who are opposed to the decrees of God are enemies of God.
- Lyman Beecher

God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms …we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”
– Apostle Paul, Ephesians 2:6, 10

Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good works and praise your father in heaven.
– Jesus, Sermon on The Mount, Matthew 5:16

Assignment for your spiritual schoolwork in family worship time
Match up the Beatitude with the correct quality of personal character



part #3 “Encouragement on the Mountain”: Elijah on Mount Horeb

1 Kings 19

• How depressed is Elijah, and why? verse 4 = “and prayed that he might die” … death threat from Jezebel (2), afraid (3), alone in desert (4), exhausted (5), ‘martyr complex’ & angry with God (10,14), post-adrenalin slump after the ‘fire-challenge’ contest with Baal (chapter 18),

• How does God deliver encouragement to Elijah? (a) the angel food cake (6) points back to ______? + ahead to ______? (b) “I reserve 7,000 who have not bowed to Baal” (18) (c) Elisha becomes the attendant to Elijah (21)

• Where should we look for God? + How does God best speak? (wind, earthquake, fire, whisper) verses 11-18

• In your experience, what drowns out “the still small voice of God” mentioned in verse 12 (also Psalm 46:10)?

1. Are you surprised that Elijah can be so ‘low’ after such a great ‘high’ in his victory on Mount Carmel in chapter 18?

2. Are you tired of running? Is your faith drained? Are you physically, emotionally or spiritually weak? Have you lost contact with the Lord? Do you feel alone? Like a failure? Threatened?

3. Has God ever asked you “what are you doing here?” (verse 13) … what was your answer?

4. How would you describe Elisha’s response to Elijah’s/God’s call?

Fire on the Mountain
1 Kings 18

Questions about the text:
• What is the significance of Mt. Carmel as the site for this confrontation?
• What is the political and religious background to this ‘showdown on the mountain’?
• What does the fire from heaven onto the altar demonstrate?
• What does the resumption of rain after a long drought point to?

Questions for me:
• How has/will God convinced me that he is more powerful than anything/anyone else?
• When you are confronted with differing viewpoints about God, how do you react?
• I am looking for god to bring into my life __________.
• What are the “idols of Baal” in my life? Am I ready to turn my back on them and choose the Living God?

Luke 9:28-43
(see also Matthew 17:1-21; Mark 9:2-29; 2 Peter 1:16-18)

The context of ‘The Transfiguration’:
it follows a demonstration of the power of Jesus as he feeds 5,000 (verses 10-17) + a confirmation of the identity of Jesus as Peter answers the question correctly (verses 18-20) … Now, on the mountain, the glory of Jesus is confirmed.

The meaning of ‘transfiguration’:
the Greek word is metamorphoo; Jesus is visibly changed, his face becoming like a bright light, his garments glistening white.

The significance of ‘The Transfiguration’:
Reminiscent of the Lords baptism (Matthew 3:17), the Father confirms Jesus as his son and says “listen to him” (verse 35) + in 1 Corinthians 15, Paul suggests that the promise of the resurrection change for believers is similar.

In the aftermath of ‘The Transfiguration’
we see the ministry of Jesus: compassion, power, encouraging instruction, challenging exhortation (verses 37-62)

Lessons to consider:
1. “It is good for us to be here!” (verse 33) The ‘holy huddle’ is important but not where ‘the game is played’.

2. Life is lived, and ministry takes place, ‘down from the mountain’, in a world in chaos and brokenness. (crowds, arguments, anguish, illness, evil …)

3. The ‘mirror of Scripture’: with whom do you identify?

- The disciples who wish the spiritual highs of the ‘mountain top’ would last forever?
- The anxious father pleading for the help of Jesus?
- The troubled sick boy in need of help?
- The disciples who can’t seem to get the job done?


For more on “Glory”, see Isaiah 6:1-8, John 1:14, Philippians 2:5-11

For more on “getting busy with ministry”, see Matthew 28:18-20, Acts 1:6-8

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